The Glamour of Italian Fashion 1945 – 2014

Boulder Colorado

Boulder Colorado

Next week we are going to visit Boulder Colorado. I'm excited as it is supposed to be one of the sunniest cities in the U.S. According to reports it gets over 300 days of sunshine per year. Boulder is home to the main campus of the University of Colorado. It is also...

Beautiful Clouds

Beautiful Clouds

Over the past week we have been watching a developing storm in the Gulf of Mexico. It will bypass us and head toward the Texas coast. Watching the clouds develop in the tail of this storm on radar has me thinking about them; their complexity and our amazement. Clouds...

Should we live in the present?

Should we live in the present?

I noticed a distinct difference between the way Europeans & Americans view their environment when I visited Europe. Because Europeans live in an environment of old, seemingly permanent, structures they have developed an ethos of "care taking". Whereas Americans...

People are just people all over the world

People are just people all over the world

It is funny how we characterize ourselves and then we live up to those characterizations. My husband, the therapist, would say "you just have to re-frame yourself". Well, easier said than done. I characterize myself as a non-reader. Ok, I know how to read, but I just...

Vegetarianism:Fad or Freedom

Vegetarianism:Fad or Freedom

I recently adopted vegetarianism as an experiment before my recent cruise across the Atlantic to Europe and it is here to stay for me. What sparked my desire was not necessarily the healthy lifestyle, although that is important to me, the aspect of cruelty to animals....

Amsterdam Holland

Amsterdam Holland

Amsterdam was a surprise. I have to admit that I had done little or no research about where we were going before we left. It was a surprise on many levels. First, it was very busy with bicycles and people. Second, the buildings engulfed each block, one after another...